Thangasseri Fort: A 500 year old structure still stands
Kerala has some of the most iconic structures along its length & breadth, some well preserved & some in a dilapidated state. The coastline of Kerala is what attracted all the foreign powers to start their colonies here. It is also to be known that Kerala was the entry point for new religions & trade from foreign lands to South east Asia. The first colonists who ruled these parts were the Portuguese who came in the start of the 16th century & ruled for over a century until the Dutch took over. The Portuguese built many forts, structures along the coast. One among them is the St Thomas fort or commonly called Thangasseri fort. The Portuguese established a good trade relation with the Cochin Rajah after the altercation of Vasco Da Gama with the Zamorins, making them move south. The trade of the Cochin region was controlled by the Jews & the Portuguese had to establish their supremacy. The responsibility was given to Afonso De Albuquerque who became the seco...